Hester Environmental Hydraulics Research Group
managing stream, river, wetland, and groundwater hydraulics to benefit aquatic ecosystems and water quality
Please email me for copies of any of these publications. Underline indicates student author from Hester Lab.
Monterroso, H., M. A. Widdowson, W. S. Lotts, K. B. Strom, and E. T. Hester. 2024. Effects of boundary hydraulics, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved organic carbon on growth and death dynamics of aerobic microbes in riverbed dune-induced hyporheic zones. Science of the Total Environment 906:167401
Federman, C.E., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2023. Impact of floodplain and Stage 0 stream restoration on flood attenuation and floodplain exchange during small frequent storms. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59:29–48. Link to open access article.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2023. Take it to the bank: A numerical examination of the effects of soil pipes on bypass of riparian buffer nitrate removal capacity. Journal of Hydrology 616:128821.
Santizo, K.Y., M.W. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2022. Numerical modeling of an abiotic hyporheic mixing-dependent reaction: Chemical evolution of mixing and reactant production zones. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 251:104066.
Amaya, M., F. Duchin, E.T. Hester, and J.C. Little. 2022. Applying a coupled hydrologic-economic modeling framework: Evaluating conjunctive use strategies for alleviating seasonal watershed impacts caused by agricultural intensification. Frontiers in Water 4:913501.
Amaya, M., F. Duchin, E.T. Hester, and Little, J.C. 2022. Applying a coupled hydrologic-economic modeling framework: Evaluating alternative options for reducing impacts for downstream locations in response to upstream development. Sustainability 14:6630.
Lotts, W. S., and E.T. Hester. 2022. Pipe dreams: The effects of stream bank soil pipes on hyporheic denitrification caused by a peak flow event. Water Resources Research 58: e2021WR030312. Link to open access article.
Calfe, M.L., D.T. Scott, Hester, E.T. 2022. Nitrate removal by watershed-scale hyporheic stream restoration: Modeling approach to estimate effects and patterns at the stream network scale. Ecological Engineering 175:106498.
Hester, E.T., K.Y. Santizo, A.A. Nida, and M.A. Widdowson. 2021. Hyporheic transverse mixing zones and dispersivity: Laboratory and numerical experiments of hydraulic controls. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 243: 103885.
Hester, E.T., and G.A. Fox. 2020. Preferential flow in riparian groundwater: Gateways for watershed solute transport and implications for water quality management. Water Resources Research 56: e2020WR028186. Link to open access article.
Santizo, K.Y., M.A. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2020. Abiotic mixing-dependent reaction in a laboratory simulated hyporheic zone. Water Resources Research 56, e2020WR027090.
Hester, E.T., A.M. McEwen, B. Kim, and E. Rost. 2020. Abundance, distribution, and geometry of naturally occurring streambank soil pipes. Freshwater Science 39(4):735–751.
Hester, E.T., A.Y.-C. Lin, and C.W. Tsai. 2020. Effect of floodplain restoration on photolytic removal of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 3278−3287.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2020. Filling the void: the effect of streambank soil pipes on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event. Water Resources Research 56(2), e2019WR025959. Link to open access article.
Rana, SM.M., D.L. Boccelli, D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2019. Parameter uncertainty with flow variation of the one-dimensional solute transport model for small streams using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Journal of Hydrology 575:1145-1154.
Hester, E.T., L.A. Eastes, and M.A. Widdowson. 2019. Effect of surface water stage fluctuation on mixing-dependent hyporheic denitrification in riverbed dunes. Water Resources Research 55(6):4668-4687.
Little, J.C., E.T. Hester, S. Elsawah, G.M. Filz, A. Sandu, C.C. Carey, T. Iwanaga, and A.J. Jakeman. 2019. A tiered, system-of-systems modeling framework for resolving complex socio-environmental policy issues. Environmental Modelling and Software 112:82-94.
Hester, E.T., K.L. Little, J.D. Buckwalter, C.E. Zipper, and T.J. Burbey. 2019. Variability of subsurface structure and infiltration hydrology among surface coal mine valley fills. Science of the Total Environment 651:2648–2661.
Wade, C.M., K.M. Cobourn, G.S. Amacher, and E.T. Hester. 2018. Policy Targeting to reduce economic damages from land subsidence. Water Resources Research 54:4401–4416.
Keys, T.A., H. Govenor, C.N. Jones, W.C. Hession, E.T. Hester, and D.T. Scott. 2018. Effects of large wood on floodplain connectivity in a headwater Mid-Atlantic stream. Ecological Engineering 118:134-142.
Hester, E.T., K.E. Brooks and D.T. Scott. 2018. Comparing reach scale hyporheic exchange and denitrification induced by instream restoration structures and natural streambed morphology. Ecological Engineering 115:105-121.
Greer, B.M., T.J. Burbey, C.E. Zipper, and E.T. Hester. 2017. Electrical resistivity imaging of preferential flow through surface coal mine valley fills with comparison to other landforms. Hydrological Processes 31(12):2244-2260.
Hester, E.T., M.B. Cardenas, R. Haggerty, and S.V. Apte. 2017. The importance and challenge of hyporheic mixing. Water Resources Research 53(5):3565-3575. Link to open access article.
Rana, SM.M., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2017. Effects of in-stream structures and channel flow rate variation on transient storage. Journal of Hydrology 548:157-169.
Hester, E.T., B. Hammond, and D.T. Scott. 2016. Effects of inset floodplains and hyporheic exchange induced by in-stream structures on nitrate removal in a headwater stream. Ecological Engineering 97:452-464.
Clark, E.V., B.M. Greer, C.E. Zipper, and E.T. Hester. 2016. Specific conductance-stage relationships in Appalachian valley fill streams. Environmental Earth Sciences 75:1222.
Hester, E.T., C.R. Guth, D.T. Scott, and C.N. Jones. 2016. Vertical surface water-groundwater exchange processes within a short residence time floodplain induced by experimental floods along a headwater stream. Hydrological Processes 30(21):3770–3787.
Julian, J., C. Podolak, K. Meitzen, M. Doyle, R. Manners, E. Hester, S. Ensign, and N. Wilgruber. 2016. Bio-hydro-geomorphic connections in stream channels. Chapter in Streams in a Changing Environment (J. Jones and E. Stanley, eds.).
Little, J. C., E.T. Hester, and C.C. Carey. 2016. Assessing and enhancing environmental sustainability - A conceptual review. Environmental Science & Technology 50(13):6830-6845.
Jones, C.N., D.T. Scott, C.R. Guth, E.T. Hester, and W.C. Hession. 2015. Seasonal variation in floodplain biogeochemical processing in a restored headwater stream. Environmental Science & Technology 49(22):13190-13198.
Evans, D., C.E. Zipper, E.T. Hester, and S. Schoenholtz. 2015. Hydrologic effects of surface coal mining in Appalachia (USA). Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51(5):1436-1452.
Menichino, G.T., and E.T. Hester. 2015. The effect of macropores on bi-directional hydrologic exchange between a stream channel and riparian groundwater. Journal of Hydrology 529(3):830-842.
Menichino, G.T., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2015. Abundance and dimensions of naturally occurring macropores along stream channels and the effects of artificially constructed large macropores on transient storage. Freshwater Science 34(1):125–138.
Hester, E.T., K.I. Young, and M.A. Widdowson. 2014. Controls on mixing-dependent denitrification in hyporheic zones induced by riverbed dunes: a steady-state modeling study. Water Resources Research 50(11):9048-9066.
Azinheira, D.L., D.T. Scott, W.C. Hession, and E.T. Hester. 2014. Comparison of effects of inset floodplains and hyporheic exchange induced by in-stream structures on solute retention. Water Resources Research 50(7):6168-6190.
Menichino, G.T., and E.T. Hester. 2014. Hydraulic and thermal effects of in-stream structure-induced hyporheic exchange across a range of hydraulic conductivities. Water Resources Research 50(6):4643-4661.
Hester, E.T., and E.N. Cranmer. 2014. Variation of hyporheic exchange potential among urban region streams: implications for stream restoration. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 20(3):287-304.Menichino, G.T., A.S. Ward, and E.T. Hester. 2014. Macropores as preferential flow paths in meander bends. Hydrological Processes 28(3): 482-495.
Hester, E.T., K.I. Young, and M.A. Widdowson. 2013. Mixing of surface and groundwater induced by riverbed dunes: implications for hyporheic zone definitions and pollutant reactions. Water Resources Research 49:5221–5237.
Hester, E.T., and J.C. Little. 2013. Measuring environmental sustainability of water in watersheds. Environmental Science & Technology 47(15): 8083–8090.
Hester, E.T., and K.S. Bauman. 2013. Stream and retention pond thermal response to heated summer runoff from urban impervious surfaces. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49(2):328-342.
Hester, E.T. and M.W. Doyle. 2011. Human impacts to river temperature and their effects on biological processes: a quantitative synthesis. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47(3):571-587.
Hester, E.T. and M.N. Gooseff. 2011. Hyporheic restoration in streams and rivers. Chapter in Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools (Simon, A., S.J. Bennett, and J.M. Castro, Eds.).
Hester, E.T. and M.N. Gooseff. 2010. Moving beyond the banks: Hyporheic restoration is fundamental to restoring ecological services and functions of streams. Environmental Science & Technology 44(5):1521-1525.
Hester, E.T., M.W. Doyle, and G.C. Poole. 2009. The influence of in-stream structures on summer water temperatures via induced hyporheic exchange. Limnology and Oceanography 54(1):355-367.
Hester, E.T. and M.W. Doyle. 2008. In-stream geomorphic structures as drivers of hyporheic exchange. Water Resources Research 44:W03417.
Grant, S.B., H. Zhang, S.V. Bhide, T. Birkland, E. Berglund, A. Dietrich, J.L. Druhan, M. Edwards, S. Entrekin, J. Gomez-Velez, E. Hester, E.M. V. Hoek, E.R. Hotchkiss, D. Jassby, S.S. Kaushal, P. Kumar, K. Lopez, A. Maile-Moskowitz, K. McGuire, S. Mohanty, E.A. Parker, G. Prelewicz, M.A. Rippy, E.J. Rosenfeldt, T. Schenk, K. Schwabe, and P. Vikesland. 2021. Reversing freshwater salinization: A holistic approach. Advances in Water Research July-September: 24-28.
Hester, E.T., K.L. Little, J.D. Buckwalter, C.E. Zipper, and T.J. Burbey. How infiltration hydrology varies among Appalachian coal-mine valley fills. Reclamation Matters Spring 2019:37-39.
Hester, E.T., B.M. Greer, C.E. Zipper, and T.J. Burbey. Using geophysical imaging to track water movement through surface coal mine valley fills. Reclamation Matters Spring 2016:36-39.
Science Wednesday:
Going with the Flow - Does Stream Restoration Work?
Greenversations: Official blog of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. November 5, 2008.
Watershed-Scale Effects of Floodplain Restoration on Hydrologic Attenuation and Excess Nitrogen Removal. Washington University, Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, St. Louis, MO, February 23, 2024.
Effects of Floodplain Restoration on Hydrologic Attenuation, Connecting Theory and Practice in the Upper Grande Ronde. Grande Ronde River State of the Science Meeting, La Grande, OR, November 16, 2023.
Watershed Effects on Success of Stream Restoration for Excess Nitrogen Mitigation. Invited panelist to Pooled Monitoring Forum for the Chesapeake Bay. Environment Virginia Symposium, Lexington, VA, March 29, 2023.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. University of Connecticut, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Storrs, CT, October 5, 2018.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 26, 2018.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. National Taiwan University, Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 22, 2018.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. University of Hong Kong, Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China, November 13, 2017.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. National Taiwan University, Civil Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 8, 2017.
River Restoration to Improve Water Quality: Restoring Hyporheic and Floodplain Exchange. National Cheng Kung University, Civil Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, October 24, 2017.
Urban waterways: Helping urban watersheds help themselves. University of Washington, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle, WA, May 9, 2014.
Urban waterways: Helping urban watersheds help themselves. University of Washington, Center for Urban Waters, Tacoma, WA, May 8, 2014.
Temperature surges in urban streams from heated storm runoff and bioretention as a possible solution. Appalachian State University, Department of Geology, Boone, NC. May 3, 2013.
Ecohydraulics of streams and rivers in an urbanizing world. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Engineering Technology, Charlotte, NC. July 12, 2010.
Ecohydraulics of streams and rivers in an urbanizing world. Oregon State University, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Corvallis, OR. March 11, 2010.
Ecologists and engineers: bridging the divide to solve ecological and environmental issues in streams and rivers. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Biology, Richmond, VA. January 25, 2010.
Impact of in-stream structures on hyporheic exchange, temperature, and ecological processes in fluvial systems. Virginia Tech, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Blacksburg, VA. March 10, 2008.
Impact of in-stream structures on surface-subsurface water exchange, temperature, and ecological processes in fluvial systems. Michigan State University, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, East Lansing, MI. February 8, 2008.
Underline indicates student author from Hester Lab.
Santizo, K. Y., M. A. Widdowson, and E. T. Hester. 2020. Abiotic mixing-dependent reaction in a laboratory simulated hyporheic zone, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.2fcd4f8978734d0fb0843ff0604929a7.
Lotts, W. S., and E. Hester. 2020. Filling the void: the effect of riverbank streambank soil pipes on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.fbf812c4d72d4a89b941645ffb69df75.
McEwen, A. M., and E. Hester. 2019. Abundance, distribution, and geometry of naturally occurring streambank soil pipes, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.deeacf38f730458d87957b8aeeb6f52f.
Hester, E., L. A. Eastes, and M. A. Widdowson. 2019. Effect of surface water stage fluctuation on mixing-dependent hyporheic denitrification in riverbed dunes, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.4a46c1445fb144a8a03b00d2e338bcfd.
Hester, E., K. L. Little, J. D. Buckwalter, C. E. Zipper, and T. J. Burbey. 2018. Variability of subsurface structure and infiltration hydrology among surface coal mine valley fills, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.b1d5fd2c2d3e49878d86cb7c2d483d2a.
Underline indicates student presenter from Hester Lab.
Oehler, M., D. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2024. Watershed-scale effects of floodplain and Stage 0 restoration on nitrate removal. National Stream Restoration Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 25, 2024.
Hester, E.T., S. Welch, C. Federman, L. Goodman, M. Oehler, and D.T. Scott. 2024. Watershed-scale effects of floodplain and Stage 0 restoration on hydrologic attenuation. National Stream Restoration Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 25, 2024.
Hester, E.T., S. Welch, C. Federman, L. Goodman, M. Oehler, and D.T. Scott. 2024. Watershed-scale effects of floodplain and Stage 0 restoration on hydrologic attenuation. River Restoration Northwest, Skamania, WA. February 7, 2024.
Hester, E.T., C. Federman, L. Goodman, and D.T. Scott. 2023. Watershed-scale effects of floodplain and stage 0 restoration on flood attenuation and floodplain exchange. River Restoration Northwest, Skamania, WA. February 8, 2023.
Lotts, W.S., K. Strom, M. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2022. Lost in dune translation: the effects of microbial growth dynamics on hyporheic biogeochemistry beneath moving riverbed dunes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 15, 2022.
Hester, E.T., M. Calfe, C. Federman , L. Goodman, and D.T. Scott. 2022. Cumulative impacts of watershed-scale hyporheic stream restoration on nitrate loading to downstream waterbodies. National Stream Restoration Conference, Nashville, TN. August 1, 2022.
Hester, E.T., D.T. Scott, L. Goodman, C. Federman, and N. Kruse Daniels. Translation by David Hisrchman. 2022. Watershed effects on success of stream restoration for excess nitrogen mitigation. Chesapeake Bay Trust Pooled Monitoring Form, June 16, 2022.
Goodman, L., C. Federman, D.T. Scott, N. Kruse Daniels, and E.T. Hester. Cumulative effects of stream restoration and watershed characteristics on watershed-scale nitrate removal. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Atlanta, GA. June 7, 2022.
Hester, E.T., W.S. Lotts, H. Monterroso, K.Strom, and M.W. Widdowson. Effects of microbial growth and death and sediment movement on hyporheic zone biogeochemistry. U.S. Department of Energy Environmental System Science PI Meeting, May 25, 2022.
Hester, E.T., M. Calfe, C. Federman, L. Goodman, and D.T. Scott. 2022. Cumulative effects of multiple stream restoration projects on nitrate removal at the watershed scale. River Restoration Northwest, Skamania, WA. February 9, 2022.
Hester, E.T., W.S. Lotts, H. Monterroso, K.Strom, and M.W. Widdowson. Effects of microbial growth and death and sediment movement on hyporheic zone biogeochemistry. U.S. Department of Energy Environmental System Science PI Meeting, August 18, 2021.
Lotts, W.S., H. Monterroso, K. Strom, M. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2021. Interacting effects of microbial growth and dune translation on hyporheic reactions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 15, 2021.
Hester, E.T., M. Calfe, C. Federman, L. Goodman, and D. T. Scott. 2021. Cumulative effects of stream restoration on nitrate removal at the watershed scale: data synthesis and numerical modeling (invited). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 14, 2021.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2020. Effect of soil pipes on riverbank denitrification during transient hyporheic exchange caused by a peak flow event. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 11, 2020.
Santizo, K.Y., M.A. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2020. Numerical modeling of an abiotic hyporheic mixing-dependent reaction: Chemical evolution of mixing and reactant production zones. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 16, 2020.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2020. Effect of soil pipes on hydrologic exchange between river channels and riparian zone groundwater with implications for nitrate transport. American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineering Annual International Meeting, Omaha, NE. July 14, 2020.
Hester, E.T., D.T. Scott, D.L. Azinheira, K.E. Brooks, M. Calfe, C. Guth, B. Hammond, A.Y. Lin, and C.W. Tsai. 2020. Can stream and river restoration solve the excess nitrogen problem? River Flow 2020, Delft, Netherlands. July 8, 2020.
Santizo, K.Y., M.A. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2019. Abiotic mixing dependent reaction of sodium sulfite and dissolved oxygen in a laboratory simulated hyporheic zone. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 12, 2019.
Hester, E.T., K.Y. Santizo, M.A. Widdowson, A.I. Nida. 2019. Mixing zones in shallow submerged/hyporheic sediments: experiments and modeling of hydraulic controls. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9, 2019.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2019. Filling the void: the effect of riverbank soil pipes on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9, 2019.
Little, J.C, E.T. Hester, S. Elsawah, T. Iwanaga, and A. Jakeman. 2019. A tiered, system-of-systems modeling framework for resolving complex socio-environmental policy issues. Nanjing China. May, 2019.
Hester, E.T., A.Y-C. Lin, and C.W. Tsai. 2019. Effect of floodplain restoration on removal of nitrate and pharmaceuticals: anaerobic and photolytic processes. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Pittsburgh, PA. April 22, 2019.
Hester, E.T. 2019. Can stream restoration solve the excess nitrogen problem? (invited) Engineering Sustainability 2019, Pittsburgh, PA. April 9, 2019.
Santizo, K.Y., E.T. Hester, and M.A. Widdowson. 2018. Simulating abiotic mixing dependent reactions in the hyporheic zone using a laboratory mesocosm. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC. December 11, 2018.
Hester, E.T., L.A. Eastes, and M.A. Widdowson. 2018. Effect of unsteady surface water hydraulics on mixing-dependent hyporheic denitrification in riverbed dunes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC. December 11, 2018.
Lotts, W.S., and E.T. Hester. 2018. Modeling the effects of macropore length, diameter, and connectivity on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC. December 11, 2018.
Hester, E.T., K.E. Brooks, and D.T. Scott . 2018. Comparing reach scale nitrate removal of instream restoration techniques. Ecostream Conference, Asheville, NC. August 14, 2018.
Duchin, F., N. Springer, E.T. Hester, and J.C. Little. 2018. Economic analysis of alternative scenarios about the future. Chesapeake Research & Modeling Symposium, Annapolis, MD. June 13, 2018.
Little, K.L., J. Buckwalter, C. Zipper, T. Burbey, and E.T. Hester. 2018. Using novel geophysical techniques to relate surface coal mining fill characteristics to effluent stream water quality. Annual Meeting of the Association of Mining and Reclamation, St. Louis, MO. June 5, 2018.
McEwen, A.M. and E.T. Hester. 2018. Abundance, distribution, and geometry of naturally occurring macropores in stream banks. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Detrioit, MI. May 23, 2018.
Keys, T., H. Govenor, C.N. Jones, W.C .Hession, D.T. Scott, E.T. Hester, and L.H. Krometis. 2017. Effects of large wood on river-floodplain connectivity in a headwater Appalachian stream. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 15, 2017.
Hester, E.T., A.Y-C. Lin, C.W. Tsai, and D. Kao. 2017. Effect of floodplain inundation on river pollution in Taiwan’s strong monsoonal climate. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 15, 2017.
Hester, E.T. 2017. Recent advances in hyporheic zone science (invited). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 14, 2017.
Santizo, K.Y., L.A. Eastes, E.T. Hester, and M.A. Widdowson. 2017. Mixing-dependent reactions in the hyporheic zone: laboratory and numerical experiments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 12, 2017.
Brooks, K.E., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2017. Comparing reach scale nitrate ermoval of instream restoration techniques. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Sacramento, CA. May 23, 2017.
Hester, E.T., SM.M. Rana, and D.T. Scott. 2016. Quantifying effects of in-stream structures and channel flow variation on transient storage. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 15, 2016.
Clark, E.V., C.E. Zipper, B.M. Greer, J. Buckwalter, and E.T. Hester. 2016. Surface coal mining disturbance effects on stream hydrochemistry in Appalachia. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 15, 2016.
Keys, T., H. Govenor, C.N. Jones, W.C .Hession, D.T. Scott, E.T. Hester, and L.H. Krometis. 2016. Large wood increases floodplain connectivity: implications for sediment and nutrient management. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 12, 2016.
Hester, E.T., D.L. Azinheira, C.N. Jones, B. Hammond, and D.T. Scott. 2016. Effects of in-stream structures and floodplain restoration on removal of excess nitrate. Ecostream Conference, Asheville, NC. August 25, 2016.
Hester, E.T., D.L. Azinheira, C.N. Jones, B. Hammond, and D.T. Scott. 2016. Effects of in-stream structures and floodplain restoration on stream hydraulics and removal of excess nitrate. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), West Palm Beach, FL. May 24, 2016.
Hester, E.T., B.M. Greer, T. J. Burbey, and C.E. Zipper. 2016. Using electrical resistivity imaging to track water movement through surface coal mine valley fills. West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium, Morgantown, WV. March 30, 2016.
Hester, E.T., B.M. Greer, T.J. Burbey, and C.E. Zipper. 2015. Using electrical resistivity imaging to understand surface coal mine hydrogeology. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 18, 2015.
Hester, E.T., D.L. Azinheira, C.N. Jones, B. Hammond, SM.M. Rana, D.T. Scott, W.C. Hession, and C.R. Guth. 2015. Effects of in-stream structures and floodplain restoration on stream hydraulics and removal of excess nitrate in headwater streams. Mid-Atlantic Stream Restoration Conference, Baltimore, MD. September 24, 2015.
Hester, E.T., B. Greer, T. Burbey, and C. Zipper. 2015. Using electrical resistivity imaging to track water movement through surface coal mine valley fills. National Association of State Land Reclamations, Wise, VA. September 14, 2015.
Greer, B., T. Burbey, C. Zipper, and E. Hester. 2015. Using electrical resistivity imaging to track water movement through surface coal mine valley fills. National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY. June 11, 2015.
Jones, C.N., D. Scott, E. Hester, C. Guth, and W. Hession. 2015. Effect of floodplain reconnection on nutrient flux along a second-order stream. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Austin, TX. May 18, 2015.
Hester, E.T., B. Greer, T. Burbey, and C. Zipper. 2015. Imaging geology and water movement in coal mine valley fills using geophysics. Environment Virginia Symposium, Lexington, VA. April 2, 2015.
Hester, E.T., and A. Nida. 2014. Mixing between hyporheic flow cells and upwelling groundwater: laboratory simulations and implications for mixing-dependent reactions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 16, 2014.
Hester, E.T., B. Greer, and T. Burbey. 2014. Using geophysical imaging to track water movement in valley fills. Powell River Project Symposium, Wise, VA. September 10, 2014.
Jones, C.N., C.R. Guth, E.T. Hester, and D.T. Scott. 2014. Stream restoration, floodplain connectivity, and nutrient retention in 2nd order Appalachian stream. American Ecological Engineering Society, Charleston, SC. June 10, 2014.
Hester, E. T., C.R. Guth, D.T. Scott, and C.N. Jones. 2014. Surface water-groundwater exchange during experimental overbank floods in a simulated restored floodplain. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Portland, OR. June 2, 2014.
Jones, C. N., C.R. Guth, E.T. Hester, and D.T. Scott. 2014. Seasonal hydrologic and biogeochemical response to floodplain inundation along a second-order stream in southwestern Virginia. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR. May 22, 2014.
Guth, C.R., E.T. Hester, D.T. Scott, and C.N. Jones. 2014. Surface water-groundwater exchange during experimental overbank floods in a simulated restored floodplain. Geological Society of America, Southeast Regional Conference, Blacksburg, VA. April 10, 2014.
Hester, E.T., K.I. Young, and M.A. Widdowson. 2014. Denitrification in the hyporheic zone: natural attenuation of contaminant sources from upstream watersheds and deeper groundwater. Virginia Water Conference, Richmond, VA. March 11, 2014.
Hester, E.T., K.I. Young, and M.A. Widdowson. 2013. Controls on mixing-dependent denitrification in hyporheic zones. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 12, 2013.
Menichino, G.T., and E.T. Hester. 2013. Macropores as preferential flow paths along stream channels: abundance, dimensions, and effects on surface water-groundwater exchange. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. May 21, 2013.
Azinheira, D.L., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2013. Surface and subsurface retention effects of common stream restoration practices: comparing in-stream structures and inset floodplains. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Cincinnati, OH. May 21, 2013.
Hester, E.T., D. Azinheira, and D.T. Scott. 2013. Effects of stream restoration practices on hydraulic retention. Virginia Water Conference, Richmond, VA. March 5, 2013.
Hester, E.T., K.I. Young, and M.A. Widdowson.
2012. Effect of
hyporheic exchange induced by riverbed dunes on mixing of
contaminants daylighting from aquifers to rivers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
December 3, 2012.
Azinheira, D., D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester. 2012. Effects of stream restoration practices on hydraulic retention. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Charlotte, NC. November 6, 2012.
Menichino, G.T., and E.T. Hester. 2012. When does structure-induced hyporheic exchange matter? Analyzing hydraulics and heat fluxes in coarse streambeds. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Charlotte, NC. November 6, 2012.
Aulenbach, K.E., G.T. Menichino, and E.T. Hester. 2012. Macropores within the hyporheic zone: abundance, dimensions, and importance at baseflow. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Charlotte, NC. November 4, 2012.
Young, K.I., M.A. Widdowson, and E.T. Hester. 2012. Effect of hyporheic exchange induced by riverbed dunes on mixing of contaminants daylighting from aquifers to rivers. Consortium of Universities Allied for Hydrologic Science Inc (CUAHSI) Biennial Colloquium, Boulder, CO. July 16-18, 2012.
Menichino, G.T.,
A.S. Ward, D.T. Scott, and E.T. Hester.
2011. Macropore
effects on stream hydrology at multiple scales.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
December 8, 2011.
Sicking, V.G., G.T. Menichino, A.S. Ward, and E.T. Hester. 2011. Characterizing the effects of macropores on hyporheic zone hydraulics in meander bends. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. October 10, 2011.
Hester, E.T., and M.N. Gooseff. 2011. Hyporheic restoration in streams and rivers. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental and Water Resources Institute), Palm Springs, CA. May 25, 2011.
Menichino, G.T., and E.T. Hester. 2010. Effect of in-stream geomorphic structures and hydraulic conductivity on stream temperature dynamics. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 14, 2010.
Hester, E.T., and E.N. Cranmer. 2010. Variation of hyporheic exchange metrics along an urbanization gradient.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 14, 2010.
Hester, E.T., and K.S. Bauman. 2010. Impact of thermal perturbations from urban runoff during summer storms on stream and wetland temperatures. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting, Santa Fe, NM. June 7, 2010.
Hester, E.T., and K.S. Bauman. 2009. Impact of thermal perturbations from urban runoff during summer storms on stream and wetland temperatures. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 17, 2009.
Hester, E.T., and K.S. Bauman. 2009. Impact of thermal perturbations from urban runoff during summer storms on stream and wetland temperatures. Virginia Water Resources Conference, Richmond, VA. October 16, 2009.
Hester, E.T. 2009. Impact of vegetation-geomorphology feedbacks on microthermal gradients in streams. Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Blacksburg, VA. October 3-4, 2009.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2009. Sensitivity of river organisms to anthropogenic temperature change. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. May 18, 2009.
Hester, E.T., and M.N. Gooseff. 2008. Hyporheic restoration in streams and rivers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 18, 2008.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2008. Impact of in-stream geomorphic structures on hyporheic exchange and stream temperature. American Ecological Engineering Society Meeting, Blacksburg, VA. June 11, 2008.
Hester, E.T., G.C. Poole, and M.W. Doyle. 2007. Effect of in-stream geomorphic structures on stream temperatures and streambed heat flux through induced hyporheic exchange. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 10, 2007.
Hester, E.T., G.C. Poole, and M.W. Doyle. 2007. Effect of in-stream geomorphic structures on hyporheic flowpaths and temperatures. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO. October 30, 2007.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2007. Impact of hyporheic exchange and floodplain wetland exchange on stream and river temperatures. Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing for Ecological Characterization Workshop, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, OR. September 10-15, 2007.
Hester, E.T., G.C. Poole, and M.W. Doyle. 2007. Impact of in-stream geomorphic structures on hyporheic exchange of water and heat in streams. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, Columbia, SC. June 5, 2007.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2007. Impact of in-channel geomorphic structures on hyporheic exchange of water and heat in streams. Northwest Stream Restoration Design Symposium (River Restoration Northwest), Stevenson, WA. February 5-8, 2007.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2006. Impact of in-channel geomorphic structures on surface-subsurface exchange of water and heat in streams. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 11-15, 2006.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2006. Impact of in-channel geomorphic structures on surface-subsurface exchange of water and heat in streams. Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Columbia, SC. October 20-22, 2006.
Hester, E.T., and M.W. Doyle. 2005. Modeling the effects of in-channel geomorphic forms on hyporheic interaction. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT. October 16-19, 2005.